Hoof Clips Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the Hoof Clips Newsletter – read by 5,000 Hoof Care professionals around the world. Join the  ~1,200 hoof care pros if you’re not already signed up.


This Hoof Clips edition is all about getting your livestock ready for the fall season. And on top of our agenda is Hoof Trimming.

The Importance of Hoof Trimming

Hoof Trimming is an essential part of cattle farming, necessary for maintaining healthy hooves and preventing various hoof diseases. As autumn rolls in and the climate changes, focusing on the overall hoof health of your animals is crucial. Let’s dive deeper into the topic.

Why is the fall time the prime time for Hoof Care?

Actually, hoof trimming is important all year round, but it often takes a back seat during the summer months, which I noticed during my time as a trimmer. Farms are typically busy with field work and harvesting, and families are enjoying their summer break. That’s why October is a great time to refocus on hoof maintenance before the winter weather hits. It’s definitely worth the effort to trim your cow’s hooves regularly.

Benefits of Regular Hoof Trimming:

  1. Prevents Lameness: Regular hoof trimming helps in reducing the risk of lameness and increases the productive service life of a cow.
  2. Early detection of issues: Trimming enables you to identify hoof-related diseases in their early stages and respond with appropriate treatments.

Tips for Autumn Hoof Care:

In the transition from summer to autumn, take the following steps to guarantee optimum hoof health for your cattle:

  • Frequent Inspection and Hoof Trimming: Establish a routine hoof care and trimming protocol to maintain healthy hooves. A personalized version of the Intra Protocol is a great asset – it can be customized for your herd. (Reply to this email if you are interested)
  • Build a Solid treatment protocol: use record keeping for measuring progress and adjust where needed.
  • Use Quality Products: Utilize top-quality veterinary health products that are rigorously tested. Check out our range of products from Diamondhoofcare.com.
  • Optimizing the environment: Scraping alleys on time and dry bedding gets you a long way. Moisture can lead to infectious hoof diseases. Keep hooves dry and clean to avoid such situations.

Don’t forget, Diamond Hoof Care is your reliable partner for ensuring the hoof health and overall wellbeing of your livestock. If you’re running into difficulties or have questions regarding hoof care, don’t hesitate to reach out by replying to this email.

Remember, autumn is a time of change. Keep in mind – Healthy Hooves, Happy Herd!

Stay tuned for our next issue, where we’ll be discussing slippery floors and the impact on hooves.

Take care!


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