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Hoof Disease Chart

Perfectly designed for veterinarians, hoof trimmers, and cattle farmers: it’s your key to understanding and identifying hoof diseases with ease. Free Download Today!

Simply enter your name and email below to access your free “Hoof Disease Chart” Sheet and get started improving your hoof care skills now!

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Hoof Care like a Pro with the Hoof Disease Chart

Navigate Hoof Health Confidently

Utilize our detailed chart to diagnose hoof diseases in cattle and optimize their hoof health protocols.

Koos Vis Quote mark Diamond Hoof Care - Alberta, Canada
Hoof Trimming Since 1994

About Koos Vis

“Being a professional hoof trimmer by trade, I have first-hand experience with lameness challenges. My passion is to help the dairy industry to overcome and manage these challenges.” My goal is to help thousands of dairy herdsmen understand, overcome, and prevent lameness!