Hoof Clips Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the Hoof Clips Newsletter – read by 5,000 Hoof Care professionals around the world. Join the  ~1,200 hoof care pros if you’re not already signed up.

Have you ever noticed how slippery surfaces affect the way you walk? If you’re carrying grocery bags, for example, and there’s ice on the ground, it can be hard to keep your balance. You might have to change your stride, moving out your arms and taking shorter steps as your feet slide along the ice.

Cows are no different. The slope and texture of a barn floor can drastically change how they walk. Slippery floors mean cows have to move more slowly and carefully, which can cause them to be more stressed—they don’t want to fall!

From a trimmer perspective, you will see more cows with lower heels and arched backs when floors are slippery. Consequently, these cows will get more sole ulcers, and we go into a vicious circle. 

How can we fix or—better yet—prevent this scenario?

  • Grooving or Agritraction-milling flooring helps cows maintain their footing by providing traction. A proper floor reduces stress in the barn by reducing slipping and falling, which means fewer injuries and cows feeling more secure.
  • Ask a local contractor who is an expert on flooring for dairy cows to provide guidance on pouring a new floor. In my trimming career, I have seen floors so brutally rough that over 50% of the cows were worn through within a couple of weeks. Ouch!
  • Provide good stalls with proper bedding. This allows cows to lay down and be off the concrete for some time. 

If you want more information on barn floors, read my interview with Tom Woodall about his floor expertise.

I would like to learn about your experience with flooring in dairy barns. Do your cows stand on concrete 24/7, or do they get a break? How did you fix the barn floors? Did you use rubber on the floors, and how do you like it? Please reply to this email with your insights.


PS.: Stay tuned, the next topic will be on hoof wrapping ins & outs. 

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